This project is currently not actively maintained.
CloudConf is a set of batch scripts to sync your configurations via your cloud storage services (Dropbox, OneDrive, etc.).
It creates symbolic links, or copies configurations, to your PCs from your cloud storage. Currently it can only be used in Windows, and supports configurations for Vim, Rime, Everything, and SumatraPDF.
Download latest code
Download latest code, and extract the subdirectories you need to your cloud storage.
Configure deployment parameters
The deployment of Vim can be configured via following 2 files:
cloudconf-vim-dir.txt should contain the absolute path to the Vim installation directory. Environment variables are acceptable. Normally it should be %ProgramFiles%\Vim, which is the default value when this file is absent. Before reading this file, the deployment script will check if environment variable vimDir is defined. If so, the script will take it and ignore this file. Otherwise, the script reads and set variable vimDir to the content of this file.
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cloudconf-vim-ver.txt should contain the version of Vim you are using, i.e., the directory name inside directory vimDir.
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The deployment of Rime can be configured via following 4 files:
- cloudconf-rime-dir.txt
- cloudconf-rime-list-copy.txt
- cloudconf-rime-list-mklink.txt
- cloudconf-rime-list-userdb.txt
cloudconf-rime-dir.txt should contain the absolute path to the Rime personal directory. Environment variables are acceptable. Normally it should be %APPDATA%\Rime, which is the default value when this file is absent. Before reading this file, the deployment script will check if environment variable rimeDir is defined. If so, the script will take it and ignore this file. Otherwise, the script reads and set variable rimeDir to the content of this file.
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cloudconf-rime-list-copy.txt should contain a list of files that you intend to copy from the script directory to rimeDir.
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If the script is in folder C:\Users\Bob\cloudconf\rime\__rime_deploy.bat, following this configuration, the script will copy C:\Users\Bob\cloudconf\rime\wubi86.custom.yaml and c:\Users\Bob\cloudconf\rime\custom_phrase.txt to directory %APPDATA%\Rime\. That also means you should put your own wubi86.custom.yaml and custom_phrase.txt in the directory c:\Users\Bob\cloudconf\rime\.
cloudconf-rime-list-mklink.txt should contain a list of files that you intend to make symbolic links from the script directory to rimeDir.
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What this differs from copy is that when you modify file C:\Users\Bob\cloudconf\rime\custom_phrase.txt, file %APPDATA%\rime\custom_phrase.txt will also be modified, acting as the latter is a shortcut of the former.
cloudconf-rime-list-userdb.txt should contain a list of .userdb.txt files that you intend to merge to your local userdbs. They can be found at %APPDATA%\Rime\sync\<user-id>\<schema>.userdb.txt. You need to sync your Rime to generate the latest one.
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The deployment of Everything can be configured via file cloudconf-everything-dir.txt.
cloudconf-everything-dir.txt should contain the absolute path to the Everything configuration directory. Environment variables are acceptable. Normally it should be %APPDATA%\Everything, which is the default value when this file is absent. Before reading this file, the deployment script will check if environment variable everythingDir is defined. If so, the script will take it and ignore this file. Otherwise, the script reads and set variable everythingDir to the content of this file.
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The deployment of SumatraPDF can be configured via file cloudconf-sumatrapdf-dir.txt.
cloudconf-sumatrapdf-dir.txt should contain the absolute path to the SumatraPDF configuration directory. Environment variables are acceptable. Normally it should be %LOCALAPPDATA%\SumatraPDF, which is the default value when this file is absent. Before reading this file, the deployment script will check if environment variable sumatrapdfDir is defined. If so, the script will take it and ignore this file. Otherwise, the script reads and set variable sumatrapdfDir to the content of this file.
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