POSIX Shell Parameter Expansion

Parameter Expansion

Reference Set and Not Null Set but Null Unset
${parameter-word} substitute parameter substitute null substitute word
${parameter:-word} substitute parameter substitute word substitute word
${parameter+word} substitute word substitute word substitute null
${parameter:+word} substitute word substitute null substitute null
${parameter=word} substitute parameter substitute null assign word
${parameter:=word} substitute parameter assign word assign word
${parameter?word} substitute parameter error, exit error, exit
${parameter:?word} substitute parameter substitute null error, exit



Expand to parameter with the matching pattern from the beginning deleted. The one with a single `#' matches the shortest pattern (lazy), while the one with `##' matches the longest pattern (greedy). For example, variable `my_shell_path' is set to `/usr/local/bin/sh', `${my_shell_path#*/}' is `usr/local/bin/sh' (`*/' matches `/`), while `${my_shell_path##*/}' is `sh' (`*/' matches `/usr/local/bin/').


Expand to parameter with the matching pattern from the end deleted. Similar to `#' vs `##', a single `%' matches shortest pattern, while `%%' matches longest pattern.

Parameter Substring by Offsets

There is no built-in expansion to extract a substring from a parameter by offsets (`${parameter:start:end}' is a GNU BASH extension), but it can be achieved with help of `cut' utility: `parameter=`printf "%s" "$parameter" | cut -cM-N`', where `M' and `N' is the start and end offset (inclusive, counted from 1) respectively. For example, for a parameter whose value is `abcdefg', `parameter=`printf "%s" "$parameter" | cut -c1-3`' will make parameter's value `abc'.

Parameter Substitution

There is no built-in expansion for parameter substitution for POSIX Shell, either, and likewise, it can be achieved by multiple utilities, such as `tr' or `sed'. Take `sed' as an example, `parameter=`printf "%s" "$parameter" | sed -e 's/cat/dog/g'`' will substitute all occurrences of `cat' in the parameter to `dog'.


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